
artist Spotlight: Star Madman - Wisdom


This artist spotlight features Star Madman and her single Wisdom. The track was released in two additional editions: Radio Edit and Extended.

We start off with a very subtle bassline with tiny and spot on kicks, snares and hithats. the joining piano adds a decent balance to the sound, this is when we get to hear a very pleasant singing voice. It’s very much inspired by the British newwave bands of the 80s.

The song itself is a profound but spiritual journey, sometimes being elegant and sometimes just being frank. The added reverb lifts the atmosphere to convey the message even better. The recurring phrase "Wisdom gave me a second chance" is really fitting not just for the title but the whole meaning.

It’s not an energetic song by arrangement. It delivers its power bit by bit, building it up slowly unnoticeably - but when the get to the end how big punch it packs. It’s also great for driving, I tested it myself. Very relaxing to listen to.

Wisdom is available on Soundcloud and Bandcamp as well! Highly recommended!